My pastor Johnny always says something along the lines of, "youre not saved if you don't have a testimony."
At one point in my life I didn't know God and was going to hell. Then there came a point where I met Him, I knew Him and I recieved the forgiveness that He promises. That is what a testimony is: a story about the day you met the Lord and how he changed you. If you dont have a story like that, are you born again?
Ive been working on this for a long time and finally had the chance to finish and post it (by the Grace of God).
This is NOT my testimony - Chris Richards is part truth/part fiction but there are many bits of my life that inspire him, more on that later. I hope to make more stories about these characters.
I hope this edifies you if you know God and witnesses to you if you dont. God is the one who supplied the talent and the resources and if it wasnt for Him, I wouldn't draw comics about God because I wouldn't know Him or love Him.
I'm curious what people think. and ALSO - if you leave a comment - it would be cool to hear you guys comment about your testimonies. when did you meet God? lemme know.(p.s. sorry its so big)
Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3
How Chris Richards met God